Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Come one, come all!

Welcome everyone to the three ring circus know as my life! I bet you are asking who the heck is this new person to the blogging world and what might they have to add to the blogging world? Well glad you asked because I am going to answer those questions for you.

For the protection of the innocent, you all can call me Steph. Oh wait that is my real name. Is that okay for the internet? If not I guess we will start this journey by breaking that rule! But what is the stuff that makes me who I am? I am a quilter, cook, gardener, and a new Mommy. I also enjoy fishing, spending time with family, and pets. Okay introduction :check! 

What was that next step? Right you want to know why I am starting a blog in the first place. It is simple really I am starting for me and you. I always seem to have a lot of things planned out. A little project here and big plan there. Sometimes I just don't follow through with them. I want to use blogging as a way to keep these projects from slipping out of sight and never getting finished.

Patrick, Sophie and me.
Most of what you can expect from me will be quilting related. I find quilting to be my passion these days as well as a way to make special items for the special people in my life. I started quilting about 7 years ago. I had to stop for a long time (about 5 years) due to other life things. After the birth of my little man, I got that itch to sew. Since then I have been trying to get it under control. Well not really. Fabric acquisition however does need to be kept in check. I don't want to be that crazy fabric lady. With three cats I am already bordering on crazy cat lady. No one want to be that crazy two problems lady.

I will also be keeping track of what is currently growing in my square foot garden. Right now I am currently growing crabgrass and wild onions! In the next few weeks, that will be changing. I know I am planning on starting snow peas, spinach, and if I can find decent starts broccoli and cauliflower. Swiss chard should also be making an appearance in the garden as long as the cats don't steal the seeds this year.

I will post from time to time about my son. I know that for a fact because he is my life. He is about 6 months old and growing a lot like that crabgrass in my garden. He is a very healthy baby boy. Since I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat I will share the cuteness!

Did I cover everything needed in an introduction? Well I hope so. If I didn't I guess I am just on a rule breaking streak. 

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